
A Storm of Moths
Author: Doom's Eyebrow
Summery: Frodo feels so small and inadequate. Strider has such warm, calloused palms...
Feedback: It is clear to me that I have been a bad girl, and I implore you to chastise me. Constructive, ehem, criticism, is especially welcome.
Raiting: NC-17

My Dear Frodo
Author: Minna
Summery: What if Aragorn had been there when Frodo woke up instead of Gandalf? Slash Frodo/Aragorn.
Raiting: R

A Bed Too Large (for the likes of me)
Author: Minna
Summery: The cold of night is helped little by uncomfortably large bedrolls. Liberties taken. Slash
Rating: RFrodo/Aragorn